Terrestrial Services

Bramley Associates are able to offer Phase 1/PEA, extended Phase 1, Phase 2, NVC, UKHAB and Hedgerow Habitat mapping surveys.

We have extensive experience in undertaking reptile surveys and in providing habitat management advice and mitigation strategies for development areas where these species are found.

We have undertaken a wide range of mammal surveys, including dormouse, brown hare, fox and small mammal trapping. We also offer bat and barn owl surveys/mitigation and project manage badger surveys and mitigation for clients.

We are certificated tree climbers, ladder workers, chainsaw and brushcutter operatives and undertake/supervise a range of habitat management works.

Protected Species, Habitats & Planning

Bramley Associates has produced or played a significant role in the production of a number of habitat management plans for sites across Southern England.

We have particular expertise in herptile, mammal, hedgeline, wetland and grassland habitats and the management of these places. We are licenced to undertake bat (all UK species), reptile, great crested newt, dormouse, otter holts, water vole burrows, barn owl and native crayfish surveys. We also carry out Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM Assessments.

All staff hold current First Aid Certificates and are holders of Construction Skills Certification Scheme cards. Our staff are qualified in Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue, Ladder Work, Enclosed Spaces Work and 4x4 Off-Roading.

Practical Habitat Management

Staff at Bramley Associates, are certificated chainsaw and brushcutter operatives.

We undertake and supervise a range of habitat management activities, including reptile exclusion fence installation, badger sett works, pond construction and hibernacula construction for reptiles and bats (to include bat exclusion works).